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Metered parking is free in the Marc's parking lot,
the parking lot at the corner of Euclid Heights & Lancashire, along Euclid Heights and along Coventry.
Avoid areas marked "permit parking only".
+ Time & Length
We meet at 10:30am and services last 75-90 minutes.
+ Attire
Wear what you're comfortable in. Some women wear shorts and t-shirts, some wear dresses and hats. Some men wear sport coats and slacks, some wear hoodies and jeans. What matters is you're comfortable, and because it's Cleveland and we're an old building, consider dressing in easily adjusted layers of comfort.
+ Communion & Baptism
We celebrate communion every Sunday for those who have been identified with Christ through baptism.
If you would like to be baptised, email: jason@citychurchcle.com
Baptism is celebrated as opportunity arises.
+ Music
Our members come from a variety of worship backgrounds, and are richly gifted musically, so our music reflects that. We sing ancient hymns, modern choruses, and original songs written by our own members as well. You may hear a string quartet on one Sunday, an a cappella service the next, and a full electric band the following Sunday. Chances are good you'll know at least one song each Sunday.
+ City Kids
We have classes for students from birth through preschool during the service time.
Check-in for those classes starts at 10:15am and closes at 10:45am.
For students in kindergarten and up, between Labor Day and Memorial Day, we have classes before service from 9am-10am. Check-in begins at 8:45am.
Students of any age are welcome in service and WE packs are provided to help guide their engagement in and outside of service.
There is a nursing mother's room available at the back of the worship space.
+ More Questions?
Email us: office@citychurchcle.com ›