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A Letter from Pastor Cory
As announced in the recent members meeting, City Church is transitioning to home gatherings for our Sunday services beginning this Sunday, Sept. 27. This transition provides the opportunity for us to gather for worship in small groups with our church family and neighbors while still protecting against mass outbreaks of Covid-19. Below are some of the basic questions about home gatherings.
What is a home gathering? A home gathering is when multiple households gather together to participate in the weekly digital service that begins at 10 AM on YouTube each Sunday.
What is a household? A household is any person or persons with legal and/or biological relationships living in the same location. Multiple households gathering together could include two or more singles, a single and a married couple, two married couples with children, etc.
Can we receive communion as part of home gatherings? Yes! Communion is theologically appropriate to receive whenever multiple households gather in the context of the worship of the church. We encourage each host household to make arrangements for communion elements for their gathering. At the appropriate time in the digital service attendees of the gathering can serve one another the elements by stating, “This is the body and blood of Jesus, broken and shed for you.” During the pandemic, we encourage the use of separate cups for communion. If you are unable to secure communion elements for your gathering please email staff for assistance.
What if I don’t feel safe hosting or attending a home gathering? We recognize that people have different levels of comfort related to physical interaction during the pandemic. You should not feel compelled to host or attend a gathering during the pandemic if you are not comfortable doing this. You can continue to participate in the digital service from your home.
How do I get connected to a home gathering? If you would like to host a home gathering but don’t know who to invite, or would like to attend a home gathering but don’t have one to attend please email staff for assistance.
We encourage all of our members to love one another by continuing to be diligent in preventing the spread of Covid-19 through simple things like hand-washing, physical distancing, and wearing masks. Additionally, if you are exhibiting any symptoms of Covid-19 please refrain from attending or hosting a home gathering. If you have tested positive for Covid-19, please follow local and state guidelines before returning to participate in a home gathering.
Thank you for how you are continuing to help us as a church adapt as we seek to faithfully love God and love our neighbors in this season! May we continue to labor together to see all things new in Christ!
Pastor Cory
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