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Phase 2 - Week 5


The people of the church doing the ministry of the church by growing together. That is the heartbeat behind Ministry Teams. 



1. Take a few minutes to greet one another


2. Commit the group time to prayer. Ask the Lord to guide pastors & staff as they work together to place each of our members on a Ministry Team.


3. Watch the video. The ministry leaders will briefly describe each ministry team. Click here for a written description.


4. Read the following description of the Ministry Team Selection Process below together. 


  • Step One: Participate in Fall & Winter Small Group.

    • Yay! You are doing that right now. Great job.

  • Step Two: Complete your homework assignment.

    • We introduced the homework assignment last week, and you will find it outlined again below. This is really important! Please carve out some time to do this well.

  • Step Three: Fill out the form you will receive during Week 6

    • In our final week together (Feb. 22-28), you will be asked to fill out a form that will assist us in matching you with a ministry team. This form will ask you for the following responses:

      • Did you participate in a Winter Small Group?

      • Did you complete the homework assignment?

      • As part of your homework assignment, you were asked to speak to at least one other believer about how you might be gifted to “build up the body.” Briefly describe that conversation, and if you are willing, share who you talked to.

      • Based on what you discovered through the homework assignment, please rank your top 3 Ministry Team choices in order of preference. 

      • Is there anything else you would like for us to know?


  • Step Four: Matching

    • The staff will gather all of your responses and get to work on matching you to a ministry team.

    • If we are considering matching you to a team outside of your first 2 choices, we will reach out to you to have a conversation about that.


  • Step Five: Launch!


If you have questions, please see the FAQ's at the bottom of this page :)




5. Group Discussion [Note: this is very similar to one of the questions last week. Feel free to tweek based on your discussion last week.]

Take some time to commit together to complete the homework.


As time allows, and based on how well the group knows each other, discuss each of the six homework items together. You could:

  • Talk about needs in the church and which ministry teams sound interesting to you now that you have the descriptions.

  • Spend some time together praying through these points.

  • Discuss what you enjoy doing and what you are passionate about, and which team or teams line up with that.

  • Discuss who you would like to seek (or have sought) counsel from, or if you know each other well enough, begin that conversation.

  • Discuss fears, anxieties, hesitations, lack of clarity, excitement, etc about committing fully to a Ministry team.


6. Read Through Homework

  1. Find out what the body needs

    • In order to build up the church, we need to discover what the church needs.

    • Begin with your own observations? What does the Bible call the church to do? Do you see areas where City Church is falling short? Are we completely missing something? Does what we are currently doing need greater attention, better organization, or more resources?

    • Ministry Teams are meant to be organized in such a way that the various needs of the body are categorized under defined ministry areas. You now have a video describing the various Ministry Teams as well as the written descriptions.  Our prayer is that all the needs of the body will be given proper attention once Ministry Teams are in place.

  2. Pray

    • Seek the Lord

    • Confess wrong motives, jealousy, etc

    • Ask the Lord to give you a humble heart and a willingness to let others to speak into where you should or should not serve

    • Pray for the courage to speak the truth in love to others

    • Pray for our leaders as they seek to lead us and build these teams

  3. Ask yourself, “What do I enjoy doing?”

    • The fact that the needs of the church come first doesn’t mean serving should be miserable. Consider what you enjoy and what you are good at when considering the available ministries teams. 

  4. Seek godly counsel.

    • Ask other believers who know you well to speak truth to you regarding where you should serve and what potential gifts they see in you.

    • If you are a new believer or if you haven’t yet formed the kind of relationships you need in order to have this conversation, please reach out to us. We would love to help you!

    • Important: You must speak to at least one other believer about this before you will be placed on a Ministry Team!

  5. Jump in and serve!

    • Don’t freeze up or get caught up in analysis paralysis!

    • It’s OK if you don’t know what your gifts are. 

    • Commit to the team we determine together is best for the church, serve, and along the way your gifts will become clear as you serve and grow with other believers.

    • Obviously you can’t actually complete this step right now, but we are asking you to prayerfully commit to doing this once you have been matched with a team. 


7. Close in prayer.


Ministry Team Launch FAQs

Q: When will I find out what Ministry Team I was matched with?

A: You will find out your Ministry Team match no later than Wednesday, March 17.

Q: When will the full list of Ministry Teams and the members of those teams be made available?

A: The full list of teams will be made available in the March 18 Members Memo.

Q: When will Ministry Teams officially launch?

A: Ministry Teams will officially launch at our March 21 Member Meeting. Stay tuned for more details!

Q: How long will I be asked to commit to a Ministry Team?

A: The short answer is: through the end of 2021. The longer answer requires two additional comments. First, we have been leading long enough to know that we can’t possibly foresee every possible situation that might arise, so we will allow for exceptions to this if there are good reasons to do so. Second, our hope and our expectation is that most of you will remain on your ministry team for much longer. 

Q: What about all of my other questions?

A: Reach out to us if you still have questions. Email and she will make sure you get an answer.


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